'I am working on some ideas for 'affordable' resin type tankers for some of your members, I had one inquiry and responded but no further contact. Are there any vessels in particular; names of tankers, cargo ships, ocean liners - that really stand out amongst PWSTS Old Boys? If there are one or two, I'm prepared to fund the product development and manufacture a few in the hope they might generate some orders - what do you think? Let's say 1 tanker, 1 cargo ship, 1 ocean liner (BTW, we've also made light houses). The 20cm models are far more affordable than the one-off larger ones but of course are less detailed'
Please let me know your thoughts gentlemen .......
Wiggy Bennett says - I would like to see 2 types. One all accom aft as in the ESSO Cardiff and a tanker with the Bridge midships like the Esso Windsor.