Have arranged for a formal unveiling of the Ropner Memorial Plaque to take place on Sunday 23rd October at 11.00 hours.
This is all in the early stages just now. I have contacted Stockton Royal British Legion who will get as many standards to attend as possible as well as a bugler to play the last post. I will also be contacting the National MNA and Dormanstown/Redcar Branch MNA to get as many standards and members there as well. Tony Raine will try to get one of the Ropner family there and I will send an invitation to Dari Taylor MP
I have been contacted by a survivor of the Fort Pelly which was managed by Ropners when sunk in 1943. He is travelling up from Humberside. Retired Captain, Colin Tingle, a WWII veteran whose service included 30 years with Ropner's has agreed to unveil the memorial for me (health willing). The Evening Gazette will run an article and photo as soon as the plaque is in place detailing unveiling.
I can only hope for a decent turn out and hope the weather holds. There is a cafe in the park grounds next to the memorial stone which can be used afterwards for tea & tabnabs or if raining. I'll inform the cafe owners of the unveiling and possible numbers attending. I'll then be making my own way to the navy club with anyone who wants to join me.
If any of you can make it, please come along. I would hate to see a poor turn out after everything has been done. You will also be able to hear me make a speech, which should be well worth it as I'm panicking about that already.
Regards Billy
Forum Management Team Prince of Wales Sea Training School Society www.pwsts.org.uk
Please disregard last email. Can not do unveiling on the 23rd October as to many people will be attending Trafalgar Day celebrations and I may not be able to get any standards out. I should of checked my calander more closely and never give it a thought.
Will be back in touch when I can re-organise
Forum Management Team Prince of Wales Sea Training School Society www.pwsts.org.uk
The Memorial is due to be unveiled on Sunday 30th October 2005 at 11.00 hours.
A letter has been circulated through the RBL in Stockton to get as many standards as possible to attend. I have also visited the Dormanstown/Redcar Branch of the MNA who will ask as many members as possible to turn up. Former Captain Tingle of Ropner's has managed to get hold of the Shipping Co. House Flag to drape over the memorial. I am still expecting at least one survivor to be there on the day and hopefully word will get around for others to attend.
Morning all, Having nightmare at the moment trying to get stonemason to mount plaque as the local press want to photograph the memorial before announcing unveiling, although I have been told it will be ready on time for the 30th. I wanted plenty of time before hand to let people know.
Dari Taylor MP for Stockton South has informed me she will be attending and contact is being made to try and get one of the Ropner family to attend. I still don't know how many will be turning up as I have mostly received apologies so far. I have also arranged with Stockton Navy Club for refreshments after and I will be putting on a small buffet.
Response has been very poor so far in people responding to my emails regarding unveiling. I don't expect people to put themselves out to attend especially for those who have to travel a distance to get here for such a short service, but a simple Yes or a No reply would suffice.