I was advised this morning that Rob Cambell succumbed to a lethal dust disease and died on Christmas Day. His funeral will be held at Hove on 6th January 2006.
He appears in photo 006 at centre, and on 007 at extreme left of the Reunion photos. Rob was at PWSTS IN 1954.
Rob and his cabin mate, Sid Jones (ex Vindicatrix 1953), were EDH's on the MV Port Quebec when I was a first trip Deck Boy. In those days we were on what was called the "MANZ Run", that is running between Montreal and Australia and New Zealand, in this case from November 1956 to November 1957.
As is often the case, when the trip was over the "crowd" went their separate ways and never saw each other again, friendships had been formed but they were after all just "Board of Trade Aquaintances". Over the years Sid had tried to contact Rob but with no luck. But he did contact me via the VintagePort site for ex Port Line employees and on an Australian hoiday we met up for dinner at King Street wharf, just opposite to the berths at Pyrmont previously used by Port Line all those years ago. This is part of Darling Harbour where the Reunion will take place in 2007.
Sometime after that meeting I happened to be reading through the list of those attending the Dover Reunion to see if there were any of my old class mates. It was then that I noticed a Robin Cambell and his wife, so I let Sid know and he followed up, via Andy I believe, and they made contact.
By this time Rob was in considerable trouble with the disease that was going to take his life, but they did manage a couple of long meetings where they shared a few beers and tales of old times. I am sure this assisted him towards the end. So it's thanks to the wonders of the internet, our website and the Reunion that these two mates were able to meet up.
Rob left the sea sometime about 1962 and spent the rest of his working life in the Fire Service where presumably he was exposed to dusts and fumes whilst fighting fires.
Rob was married and had 3 grown up children, and had lived in Brighton.
-- Edited by Andy on Sunday 30th of January 2011 05:10:35 PM
Thanks for all your kind thoughts. I have passed them on to Sid Jones who will be attending the funeral.
Rob Cambell knew that he was dying but one of the highlights of his last few months was attending the Dover Reunion, and through that he was able to meet up with his old shipmate, Sid Jones. This could not have come about without the efforts of all those contributing to the website and the organisation of the Reunion. So a big thank you to Andy and all those who have helped bring us all together.