My sister and myself are looking for our biological father who is a British Subject, his name is David Duncan, worked for the Union castle lines, his approximate age +- 77 years, I am desperately trying to make contact with him, he was in South Africa, port of Durban in 1960,1961,1962, David Duncan, referred to as Dave, served as an engineer on the ship the Rowallan Castle and the other fruit ships which departed out of South Hampton to South Africa the port of Durban. Further to this he worked on the British ferries out of South Hampton to Europe and the channel islands.
In 1966 he was on a vessel called the Englishman to South Africa .
As he was a Seaman the merchant Navy Association will surely have records of his contact details, i can assure you he will be happy to make contact with myself and my sister.
Mr. Duncan will know my biological mother called Janette Sanders, my surname is different because I was adopted.
Your assistance with regards to this personal issue would be greatly appreciated.