Seafarers Awareness Week (6-12 June) to Highlight Sea Blindness.
Coordinated by Seafarers UK, the leading maritime welfare charity, Seafarers Awareness Week (6-12 June) aims to highlight sea blindness, i.e. the widespread public ignorance about the UKs dependence on seafarers.
Now in its third year, Seafarers Awareness Week is a UK-wide communications campaign. Specially commissioned research among adults and children will reveal how the vital role of seafarers and merchant shipping is overlooked by most landlubbers.
Social media Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc - is being used to reach a younger audience. Seafarers UK is making a thought-provoking video to reveal how our island nation would suffer if food, fuel and goods were not safely delivered everyday by ship.
Triggered by the video, an interactive web TV show will be shown on media websites and there will be live radio interviews around the UK. Print media including national and regional newspapers are also being asked to widen their focus from the Royal Navy and Royal Marines for this week.
Seafarers UK is not alone in seeking to raise awareness of our dependence on seafarers. Beneficiary charities 70 of which received grants totalling £2.5M last year are being actively encouraged to coordinate their own promotional activities during Seafarers Awareness Week.