I am so pleased that at long last, Billy has received some public recognition for the work he has done, over so many years, in bringing closure to the families of lost merchant seamen.
Anybody who has read his books and articles, knows the long hours of painstaking research he has undertaken to unearth the last resting place of many seamen, and see that wherever possible, that that place is marked, and recognised.
I make no secret of my personal regard for Billy, feelings which I have found echoed around the world in my emailed conversations with seamen living in all parts of the globe. This country, and especially the seafaring community, owes this man a great deal!
Thanks for the comments. Still a bit shocked really, even though I found out in September, after arriving back from Tower Hill for MN Day. There was a letter delivered soon after confirming the nomination.
Promise it won't go to my head as I continue with my work. Have already started my next book "The Sea is Their Grave" The idea to document every ship on the WWII section of the Tower Hill Memorial. The idea came to me after the last visit to Tower Hill, where I pointed people in the direction of individual ships, I thought why not put the story behind the names in print. Obviously some of the details on losses can be a bit sparce due to fact many ships were lost with all hands, with some ships just disappearing altogether. My aim is to have ready by next MN Day if possible depending on other work.
Great day out yesterday at Trinity House. Quite humbled by the fact, that a number of those attending, knew of my work.
On another note. Anyone looking to book accommodation for MN Day 2012 are going to struggle to find a place. We tried to book the Novotel, our usual place for the last ten years. only to be informed we had no chance. Although they had not opened any bookings, they are all going to be taken closer to the dates for the paralympics, so if you know of anywhere spread the word.
Also talking to Tim Brant from the National MNA, stating the Skyride event will definately not coincide with our own parade next year.
Many thanks for posting the photos Billy, well deserved and long, long overdue!
A couple of years ago, I was talking to a lady at Tower Hill, who said that she was staying in Whitstable, My old home town, and I told her to get her husband to take her for a trip on the Thames Barge that sails from Whitstable Harbour. Later told by her husband that the last thing he wanted was a boat trip - he was Admiral Lord West!